by Nancy Chu
Make a connection:
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Asking for intros:
If you're comfortable with it, would you mind connecting me to them? I can send you a pre-formatted introductory email to make things easy for you. Please feel free to cc me on any emails, and I am happy to follow up.
Connecting with recruiter:
I read from your profile that you recruit for [ ] roles in [ ] city. I wanted to connect with you in case you think my profile might be a good fit for current or future roles you seek to fill. [briefly explain your current role and strengths] Please let me know if I can help you with positions you are trying to fill.
The "Acing Your First Interview" Playbook
This is the playbook that my clients use to advanced to the next formal interview round just 15-17 min into the first screens. --- As a solopreneur, doing Sales Calls is part of my job where success is when prospects become clients. My success rate used to be ~20%, and now it is ~40-50%. The doubling in my success rate is a result of learning best practices in how to sell, and understanding buying behavior and psychology. I also realized - a Sales Call is exactly the same as a First Interview. I am being interviewed for the first time by a prospect, which is exactly the same as you going into your First Interview either with a recruiter or hiring manager. My prospects are evaluating whether they want to hire me in a Sales Call, which is exactly the same as a recruiter or hiring manager evaluating whether they want to advance you to the next interview. Once this realization became clear, I was able to take what I've learned to double my success rate in Sales Calls and frame it from the job interview angle. I now have a playbook that I use to help my clients double their success rate in converting their First Interviews to the next round. And the data is clear. I have multiple clients who were asked to schedule their next interviews just 15-17 min into their first screens! [] [] Part 1 of this playbook is to make your "Tell me about yourself" more memorable. Most candidates answer with WHAT they've done in the past, ie their years of experience, where they worked, etc. This tactic doesn't hurt your chances but doesn't help you stand out. You have the entire 30 or 45 min to tell them WHAT you've done, so you don't need to jump straight into it. Instead, you want to establish an emotional connection with the person you are meeting for the very first time - and that is done through storytelling WHO you are (and ladder it to the company/product mission), and not WHAT you've done. People remember feelings a lot more than data. So I invite you to make the first 1-2 min of the interview count. This is where you HOOK them into your world, which will set you up for success for the rest of the interview. Download now to access the rest of this playbook 😀